Oyster Mushroom

Mushroom production is a lucrative agribusiness that has low start-up costs with quick returns on investment but it full potential is yet to be tapped in most countries. Agropreneur can start mushroom production on a small or large scale thus offering food sustainability and promoting self-sufficiency. 
It should be known that mushroom production is both science and art then mushroom can be produced and sold within 2 to 4 months. 
Moreover, mushroom can be dried or processed into various types of food or mushroom extracts which will give an added value. Aside from being added to soups and sauces, mushrooms can be converted into sweets, cookies, candies and various snacks. Packaging and branding is equally very important in adding value to mushroom business. Mushroom products should target direct consumers, wholesalers, community, local markets, neighbouring markets, restaurants, hotels and supermarkets.
Colour Oyster Mushroom
Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of macro-fungi (saprophytes) which can grow on dead matters or any agricultural wastes in a controlled environment. Examples of economically cultivable mushrooms are; Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp), Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), Shiitake (Lentinula edode), etc. Mushroom provides healthy source of nutrients.  Mushroom is rich in protein, crude fibre, vitamins and minerals. Mushroom contains low cholesterol and low calories. It is equally medicinal and has several industrial applications. 
There are many types of mushrooms which differ in generic and specific name. Equally nutritional and health properties differs with species cultivated, for example, Oyster and Button 
Bottled Mushroom Spawn
Mushroom are both edible having fascinating medicinal and nutritional properties, Oyster mushrooms are preferred because of their many varietal expressions, easy cultivation, rapid growth rate, different ecological  adaptation, easy drying and can grow on any agricultural waste but Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is not edible but has important medicinal properties which includes;
anti-cancer, anti-HIV, anti-heart attack (cholesterol lowering as well as anti-angiogenic), Hepato- and nephrotoprotective, hypoglycemic (anti-diabetes), antioxidants etc. Reishi has been used in Chinese and Japanese medicine. 
FAO recommends that one adult should consume about 200-800 gram edible mushroom per day. For elderly people and children, 200 and 500 grams are sufficient.

To start mushroom business, selecting the right type of mushroom to produce should be based on climatic conditions, substrates available and market demand. Mushroom production basically involves, Mushroom Spawn (Seed), Mushroom Cultivation and Mushroom Processing. Each enterprise can be carried together or separately. Mushroom spawn and prepared substrate can be packaged in a poly-propylene bag for selling to mushroom growers.
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